Pastry Flour

Everything Flour, Types of Flour

Pastry Flour: Nutritional Value

Pastry flour will do the trick when looking to bake soft and tender treats. The upside is that it is nutrient-dense as it contains germ and bran; thus, perfect for baking biscuits, pancakes, cakes, cookies, and pie crust. Read on to find out the nutritional value of pastry flour and whether it’s among the healthy flour options.

Is Cake Flour Healthy

Everything Flour, Types of Flour

Is Cake Flour Healthy?

When you hear the words “cake flour”, what do you think of first? Do you think “mmmmm, cake…” or do you think “hmm, I wonder if cake flour is healthy?” If you’re like us, maybe it’s a little of each.

How is Flour Made

Everything Flour, Flour Facts

How is Flour Made?

For so many of us today on the planet, we have never really had to think too much about food beyond its placement in a supermarket. But the most common foods that we eat are bread-based products, and with these products, it all starts with flour. Flour is an essential base item that begins virtually any bread dish, the process involved in making flour is a major industry. With this in mind, how is flour made?

Quinoa flour

Everything Flour, Types of Flour

All About Quinoa Flour

Quinoa flour is one of the best white flour substitutes if you want a gluten-free, tasty, and healthy option. Just like white flour, you can use quinoa flour in your baked goods and treats, but it won’t make your blood sugar spike and will help you lose weight at the same time!

All About Oat Flour

Everything Flour, Types of Flour

Baking With Oat Flour

Whether you are looking for a way to upgrade your sweet treats or need gluten-free alternatives, oat flour is one of the best white flour substitutes you can get. You can purchase it at the store, or you can make your own. Either way, this flour is affordable, convenient, and extra tasty.

Bean flour

Everything Flour, Types of Flour

All About Bean Flours

Bean flours are a great way to make your cake and eat it too, quite literally. This flour is made from beans, which are gluten-free and high in protein. They also come packed full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Whenever you incorporate bean flour into your goods, you get all of these benefits and more.

Amaranth flour

Everything Flour, Types of Flour

What is Amaranth Flour?

Amaranth flour is a gluten-free alternative to wheat, barley, and rye flours. It comes from the plant Amaranthus tricolor, which is believed to have originated in central Mexico or South America. The seeds are ground into a fine powder before being used as an ingredient in cooking recipes.